How am I approaching mid 30s but still look like I'm in my early 20s

In this year alone, I have received a handful of comments from people who I have met face to face who have assumed that I am in my early 20s when I in fact I am about to reach my mid 30s. Not gonna lie, it was a flattering comment. I think the anti-aging routine that I incorporated since I was in my 20s was finally paying off, considering the fact that a lot have commented on my youthful appearance. The secret to this is I have a holistic approach to how I slow down aging. Below is a poster that I made to make this post more aesthetically pleasing. LOL~

Part one consists of the typical affordable way of slowing down aging, whilst part 2 would be more costly especially pertaining to attending regular facials. I understand not everyone can afford it. 

Some may say that I am perpetuating the idea of fear of aging and that I should embrace all my wrinkles. My counterargument to this is that my approach is not only focusing on outward appearance, but also my bodily health. Whatever we consume, it will show on our faces later in life. FYI, my wrinkles are already here, it's just that they're less apparent than most people my age. 

Society often tells us to "embrace aging" as a way to resist the capitalist agenda of selling anti-aging products, promoting the idea that aging and wrinkles are undesirable. However, this narrative doesn't extend to advocating against eating healthily or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which are also key factors in slowing outward signs of aging.

With that being said, we should view aging as a personal journey, one that each individual experiences differently and at different pace. People age at varying rates albeit being born in the same year due to differences in knowledge about aging and practices related to health and skincare. Additionally, individual choices and systemic factors, such as socioeconomic background and access to resources such as skincare products, food, or treatments that slow down aging, play a significant role in how one ages.

In summary, my approach to aging is not about fearing wrinkles, as I don't think they can be 100% avoided, considering how I take a non-invasive approach to it. This means I will never go under the knife or resort to botox, which will eventually lead to more obvious wrinkles on my face later in life. Instead, my focus is on promoting overall health and well-being. I also want others to understand that aging is a multifaceted process influenced by our lifestyle choices and circumstances.
