Tanak jati kadazandusun nakaa om...nga....

Haha..who am I to judge. Saya sendiri pun nda brpa sdh pandai moboos. Apatah lagi sdh minsodu mantad Sabah. Kurang pendedahan bahasa kadazandusun. Dui naa..hangadon zou moboos do kadazan. Here is a video that I would like to share to you guys...especially to those who are Kadazandusuns. I hope you get the message of the video.

The grandfather's advice in the video is almost the same as my grandmother's whenever I don't speak Kadazan to her.
Tp sia ni nda la mcm bdk2 dlm video tu...kalati nogi bo zou boos zotiho. Haha~


Telor Power said…
asal usul jangan dilupakan....
bagus video motivasi ni
b0m^2 said…
hohoho (amu oku po nokointong lo bideo) hahaa kada lihuai ...
boros do tokou :)