Loneliness gave me a piece of my mind in my sleep last night

Loneliness gave me a piece of my mind in my sleep last night.
It crept in silently without warning. 
I knocked on the door of my heart, no one answered. 
I rummaged through the memories in my head, 
everyone vanished.
The features of their faces evaporated into meaningless nothings.
I looked at my left, there was only a wall.
I looked at my right, there was only a window.
I laid on the floor, sniffing the sorrow of disillusionment.
I am a somebody...
I am important...
I blinked, reality sucked me back in.
I am a nobody...
I am unimportant...
It was a nightmare that screeched fiercely on the surface of my heart.
I did nothing more than laying down.
But loneliness had pulled down my every being into despair.
It hit hard on the floor.
It wouldn't go out that door.
