DIY picture frames

 I stared at the empty wall beside the desk in my room. I thought, 'Wouldn't it be better if there were pictures being hung up on this wall?' That was when it hit me - another DIY project! I immediately went to the stationary store and bought the materials needed for the project.

The frames consist of a mounting board, a wrapping paper (any pattern or colour of your choice), and transparent paper. To add different looks to each of the frames, I added lace, buttons, ribbons, and thick fabric. 

No more plain wall!
With fellow comrades!

Best picture of my parents during their Engagement Day from 23 years ago.

With two of the guys that I share my DNA with.

Si bulat & si kicik2. :p

I can only manage to use mounting boards as frames for now. Maybe I'll try making frames made out of wood in the future.


nice zell, really like it,
love the DIY craft. :D
Gaby said…
later after I re-paint my room, i'll hung lotsss of diy pic deco on my wall.. :D
ZeLL~LeaH said…
@clare: thnx!
@agp: yea! Do it! :D
Avocado said…
I rmb when I was a kid, I used to do this D.I.Y frame because mom wouldnt let me simply buy things. She said we dont spend money on useless stuff. so i spent most of my time with the D.I.Y stuffs. One time i cut out curtain at and mom get so upset.
beaty said…
I always love diy. . Simple.