Book review: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

I couldn't get this book on Kindle so I was tremendously excited when this arrived in the mail!

Swim your thoughts in a world where the state of depression (which is a no laughing matter) is being vividly described as if you'd be experiencing it on your own when you read through every word.

At first I thought her descriptions are very absurd and they don't make any sense. But then again I thought this is probably how a person with depression feels and views life. So as I read, I was practically wearing a depressed person's shoes. I've never been severely depressed before so reading this novel gave me a sense of how it is. I like how Plath wrote every word vividly and letting readers experience the state of depression themselves. Her unique style of writing resonated this effect. I'd never read any other books that are of this kind.

I was also interested in Plath and Esther Greenwood (which is probably her alter ego in this book as the novel is a semi-autobiography of her own life) because some websites have concluded that both of them are INTJs. If you'd read about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, you would know what I'm talking about. It's all the more interesting as they are both female INTJs and female INTJs are a rare find. I myself am a female INTJ (got this result just recently because previously I got ISTJ. Maybe I am a mix of the two. I don't know.) so I'd like to know how their minds work. Indeed, the novel indicates that she had different views than most people especially in terms of gender roles and expectations and among other things.

This quote in the book - "...because wherever I sat - I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air." is how I summarize this book in its entirety.
